Awaken your mind & Spirit
God has a perfect plan for every man, woman and child on this planet. Below you will find documentation from the Word and from the men and women who have studied intently on the matter at hand—forming a Solemn Assembly and a call to repentance. But it is not all about just a single day or a single event. It is about changing the hearts and minds of America and then the World. There is great insight written in the documents below. So please read and download the materials. God is calling us all to repentance.
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Executive Summary
We are at the threshold of the greatest move of God in our time. For that to happen, however, we must be men of action, men who are ready to respond by faith to what God has initiated.
Cultural Indicators
Is this the generation that is going to witness the end of America? If our country stays on the path that it is currently on, it is very difficult to see how we are possibly going to make it.

Solemn Assembly
A Solemn Assembly gives God an opportunity to respond to His people at a level He cannot possibly do when they are living in neglect of His Word or in direct violation of His commandments. It is a season of earnest prayer.
Presidential Proclamation
As Rev. Billy Graham said, “We as a nation have turned our back on God who blessed our country because its fundamental principles were grounded in the Word of God.”

Solemn Assembly Section One
The Solemn Assembly is a time for the church to act in it’s priestly role toward the world in which it confesses for the cities and the nations, sins against God which could invite his wrath and judgment.

A Message to Pastors
The enemy’s desire is to see ministries, families and churches dashed upon the rocks of failure. If we are to avoid that end, we must consider the work of the ancient watchman, understanding that his ministry is needed today, more than ever before.
President Lincoln's Proclamation
Senator James Harlan of Iowa introduced this Resolution in the Senate on March 2, 1863. The Resolution asked President Lincoln to proclaim a national day of prayer and fasting.

Biblical Basis
Why join the battle? It is a foundational biblical truth that God expects His people to join Him on His mission to redeem and transform our lost world.
Solemn assembly step by step
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).